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I cant take it now. La storia di Paul Butterfield grande bluesman bianco e supremo armonicista. Town Hall Concert European Tour 64 Jazz Workshop 1964 Paul Butterfield Friends. . Blues musician Paul Butterfield who was found dead May 4 in his North Hollywood apartment was the victim of an accidental drug overdose said an autopsy report of. My heart is carrying such a heavy load. He explored the blues scene in his native Chicago where he met Muddy Waters and other blues greats who provided encouragement and opportunities for him to join in jam sessions. After early training as a classical flautist he developed an interest in blues harmonica. One more heartache babe. Paul Vaughn Butterfield December 17 1942 May 4 1987 was an American blues harmonica player singer and band leader. A town often becomes a. Discover North South by Paul Butterfield released in 1981. Find album reviews track lists credits awards and more at AllMusi...

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